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Tackling Antisocial Behaviour

Writer's picture: SIASSSIASS

UK Government, Councils, Police Forces and social landlords are committed to tackling antisocial behaviour incidents. The UK Government document, attached below, defines what is meant by antisocial behaviour and how to report it.

One of the main issues inhibiting the tackling of antisocial behaviour is the need for robust evidence to secure action against those who display this behaviour.

From illegal riding of motorbikes and mopeds, to graffiti, to fly tipping.... unless accurate evidence is received, action is often extremely difficult.

Residents, may be intimidated and be very reluctant to provide witness statements. Councils may struggle to find who has committed the offence. Police may not be able to act unless they witness the incident themselves. This all leads to increased dissatisfaction and confidence towards police and local authorities.

SIASS have successfully assisted many clients suffering from anti-social behaviour in their local area. Mounting a surveillance operation in neighbourhoods and gathering evidential standard footage is a popular service of ours. We've received instructions from housing associations, from resident and community groups, from schools, from industrial unit tenants, from local businesses and high street retail premises.

Getting evidence of what is happening and who is responsible is the right step to tackling antisocial behaviour.

an antisocial behaviour warning sign
Tackling Antisocial Behaviour - SIASS


c/o Verrimus Limited
58 Low Friar Street
Newcastle upon Tyne

Telephone - 07441446445


© 2020 by SIASS a trading presence of Verrimus Ltd 

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