What happens when you hire SIASS to investigate suspicions of a cheating partner? These investigations are often referred to as 'infidelity investigations'. Many private investigators may refer to these investigations as 'cheating', 'partner disloyalty' or 'relationship' investigations.
Most of the work undertaken by SIASS is on behalf of commercial organisations, however we do have clients whom contact us to undertake infidelity investigations. Since we function as a technical support unit for our client base we can assist clients to gather evidence using lawful and ethical technical surveillance techniques. As with any SIASS investigation, an infidelity investigation begins with a free no obligation initial consultation.
Initial Consultation
After contacting SIASS in regards to suspected infidelity of a partner or family member (yes, it's not only the partner that contacts us to investigate these issues), we'll arrange to meet a client in a public or private space that is convenient for them.
An initial consultation is for the client to explain their rationale for requiring the investigation, to assess whether they are comfortable with the investigator and to ask any questions regarding how private investigations of this nature work. It is also equally an opportunity for our investigator to determine if the case is something we as a company wish to become involved in. We also assess whether there are other agencies that the client should be referred to for assistance with any aspects of the situation.
During the initial consultation, a client will outline their suspicions. This outline will likely involve providing any evidence they already have, such as;
social media,
situations that are relevant.
The investigator will explain how SIASS undertake infidelity investigations. They'll outline the fee structure, provide a copy of the SIASS code of conduct and answer any concerns. They will also always discuss with the potential client, how they will feel if our investigation finds their suspicion is correct. Conversely, the investigator will discuss with the client how they may feel if the investigation does not confirm their suspicions.
Investigative Strategy
When our investigator has enough initial information, they will discuss the potential case with the rest of the investigation team at SIASS. At this point the team will design a strategy to investigate the hypothesis that a partner is being unfaithful.
Often the strategy may have a few different elements or options, to be presented to the client. A second meeting then takes place to present the investigative strategy to the client and for them to decide if they wish to proceed. The choice in any SIASS investigation remains with the client. A client may not feel comfortable with some aspects of an investigation strategy proposal.
All SIASS investigation strategy proposals are costed and all fees are fully explained. Once a client has decided to proceed with an investigative strategy, they sign a terms and conditions contract and a date is set for the investigation to begin.
Investigation Impact Assessment
Just like with any other investigation on behalf of our clients, SIASS operators must undertake an investigation impact assessment for any planned action.
All infidelity investigations have the potential to dramatically change the personal relationships of the client. SIASS investigators must explore the likely or possible outcomes and have identified any relevant safeguards and mitigations. All mitigations must aim to limit any adverse effects for the client, the investigators and the subject of the investigation. The assessment must also take into consideration any associates or wider family members of the investigative subject or client.
Negligent and unethical private investigators, would simply handover any findings and walk away from an investigation. We want to ensure that no violent, criminal or harmful action could be taken as a result of our investigation. We may consult other agencies if we have any concerns. We may ask a client to have a trusted friend or family member present when we hand over the investigation results. SIASS operators highlight this aspect of the investigation to our clients, both during the initial consultation and when presenting the investigative strategy.
Advantage Through Knowledge
As with all SIASS investigations, our aim is to provide our clients with information that will assist them to make an informed decision.
If you suspect a partner of infidelity, contact SIASS and have an initial discussion.
