One of our most frequently requested services is background checks. Both professional and personal background checks are sought for a large variety of reasons.
Employers ask us to find out, for example;
whether the statements on a potential employment candidate's CV are all accurate and truthful,
whether a potential investor's or business contact's claims about their previous project history are accurate or inflated,
Private clients ask us to provide background research on their contacts, for reasons such as;
if they are in a new relationship and they want to know if what they have been told by their new partner, about their lives, is true,
whether a co-parenting ex-partner's new relationship should be any cause for concern if they share contact with their children,
Whatever your reason for wanting to check on the background history of a company, professional or individual, we can assist.
Talk to us, outline your situation and concerns and let us provide you with an investigation proposal strategy. We will outline what is possible to verify, and an agreed timescale for your results to be delivered. There is no obligation to take this strategy forward. No background checks will be done on your behalf without your signed consent.
SIASS are an ethical and professional organisation. We will always provide information regarding the legalities of researching someone's background. Where the information we uncover may have the potential to cause distress we will provide information about relevant support services, clients may wish to access.
